Sorry that I have not psoted sooner. I am working for a Subway in Tyler and I am still working for Nexicore. Between the 2, I have not been at home much. Which is good and bad. I am putting in about 34 to 37 hours a week at Subway and running an average of 5 calls a week for Nexicore. I have played with some interesting computers while working for them. I have also gotten to meet some new people while working with Subway. It is scary at times to find out what is really going through people's heads (just a random thought that I believe needs to be shared). Lets see. What else do I need to share with everyone? I found a new toy, BartPE. Highly recomended for people attempting to fix windows machines. I bought 2 new toys that I should not have bought with my jobs. I bought a gps device and a webcam. The gps I have been playing with it to find out just how fast and far I travel each day. I intend on using it for my job with Nexicore so that I can track mileage for tax purposes. It will also be useful in locating people's houses. I want broad band internet so bad I can almost taste it. My dad said he would pay for it if I could find some one that would come out here. So far, my searches have been in vain. I have been playing around with online dating services. The girls my age in Tyler are hard to find. I can not seem to find any of them that are available to hang out with. I did find someone online, but she is in louisiana. She wants to meet me, but I don't have the cash to drive there any more (just bought several above mentioned gadgets). I guess that if I am going to start looking for a friend that is a girl, I will have to spend my money a lot more frugally. Any way, that is about all. I am going to bed. Goodnight and I hope to write more later.