Sunday, August 14, 2005


I have decided that I need to make something. I have all this junk that is doing nothing but collect dust. I am looking for ideas. I have about 4 remote control cars and tons of junk that can be reused to make a device or a another toy. I thougth about making an alterain vehicle, but figured that there might be something more fun to build. I thought about making a personalized computer case for my desktop, but then got too lazy to actually make it. I also thought about making a few programs for my dad. A few of the programs I thought about making one that linked his address book to all the invoices on his computer aranged by customer and the other one does load calculations. A load calculation takes almost every characteristic about a room and adds all the rooms to a house and tells you what size a/c unit is needed and what size vent to put in the room. There are many load calculation programs out there, but the ones that I have seen have WAY too many bugs. The one that dad currently uses "forgets" rooms every now and again. (Okay, bear with me I am going to start using computer talk) It is based off of Microsoft Acess. What happens is that each house is saved in a Access spreadsheet file and for some reason the last room is moved down to row 155 or so. So, what you do is open up the Access file and move the data back to where it is supposed to be. Any way, there is a book called the "manual J". The manual is only about 600 pages long with a size 8 font. What I would like to do, is use the manual that the programmer put into the computer. The problem is that I have yet to learn to program enough with c++ to access the data in a spreadsheet. It would also help if I could make a GUI to go with the program, but that would slow it down alot. Anyway, more later. It is WAY past bed time. Later

Friday, August 12, 2005


Well, I have tried to post twiced since my last time, but each time my post is lost even after blogger says,"sucessfull." Oh well. I have tried to talk about many things since my last post, but they were all just updates to how I was doing. I bought 4 books. 4 good books. The Dilbert Priciple, The Giver, The Last of the Mohicans, and The Deerslayer. I have read all but the Dilbert book. I liked all of the others and thought them good enough to buy and put them in my collection at the house after rereading them. Anyway, back to what I origionally wanted to post. I have been thinking alot about things in my life and how I want them to go, but the more I think about them and attempt to make my goals reached, the more I realize that I need to slow down and look for God's plan instead of my own. As I have talked about before, I have been looking for the one to spend the rest of my life with. I have talked to many girls, but most of them have diffrent goals than I do. I realize that some goals should be diffrent, but there are some goals that should always be the same such as trying to make God #1 in my life. I understand that wanting to do so only comes from God and only happens because God wants it to, but yeah. Most of the girls that I have talked to or know about do not have those types of goals. I find it rather depressing at times, but then again, if God wanted me to find the right one he would show her to me. What makes me really depressed is that most of the girls that are around me or that work around me are not pure. The attempt to show everything that they have, they have sex with almost every boyfriend ("I thought he was the one for me, but we did not get along after......."), and most of them smoke. Now there are a few exeptions to the above statement, but the ones that are an exception......(don't get mad at me if I leave something out here) where not ready for a relationship closer than friendship, I did not have the guts to ask them out, or they wanted nothing to do with me. There I said it. If you think that those are the wrong things to say on a blog, oh well. I have been up for 19 hours and it is way past my bed time and I need to write something here to make people think that I am still alive. Anyway, I guess what the Lord is trying to teach me is patience. At times, it is something that He gives and not something that we learn, or is it a combination of the 2? Anyway, that is what has been going through my mind the last few days while putting groceries on the shelf (I have to be thinking about something besides which can goes where). Sleep time, later.