Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Origionally I was going to write something about gun control, but I ran out of stuff real quick. I did find a more interesting topic though. I was talking to someone and they asked why I do not baby sit kids. That was real fun. It finally came down to discipline. I would not mind baby sitting someone from churc, because I could always threaten to tell their parents because I know and the child knows that mom and dad will do something about it. Where I come from, parents will actuall *gasp* spank their child. I had a disagreement with someone today about this subject. She believed that kids should never ever be spanked for any reason. After being in a house full of foster kids, I will have to disagree. I know that you should not spank the child for everything and that there should be other forms of discipline to accompany spankings.

I could argue about all sorts of stuff, but it all comes down to one thing: "What do you base your life on?" The correct answer, but not always happening at the moment (the whole sin thing), is the Bible. Technically everything you do should be based on a Biblical World View. Being a Christian should not only effect the way you act on Sundays, it should effect the way you do things and think every day of the week. I know that I personally don't always do this, but I try to, and alot of the times it is me trying and not God.

Well, it is sleep time. Goodnight all.


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