Friday, April 01, 2005


As you probably guessed in my last post, I read alot before I graduated High School. I was also able to talk better and able to write better. Now that I have stopped reading except for required things, I have noticed a HUGE change. I studder, loose words, and all sorts of things of that sort. I really did not notice this happening till I started writing my exegesis paper. Even in Junior college, I could write a 5 page paper in a 3 hours, and that was with 3 to 4 sources. I could always put all sorts of filler. BUT I have mooved on to "better" things. I am an engineer. I study math and science. I am suposed to understand how and why things work. For the last 2 years that has been my focus. Believe it or not, I thought about being an english major before being an engineer, but I have lost my touch. Now I am sitting here with a critique. It is due tomorrow at 2:30. I have a blank sheet of paper. I remember writting mini critiques at my Junior College that only had to be a few sentances on what we thought. It was not really graded. What do I need to do to get back in that mind frame? It is really hurting my grade in Historical Books. Well, I need to write this thing. I need to come up with something more positve too. Later.


Blogger Ma Hoyt said...

Best wishes on your critique.

April 01, 2005 9:44 AM  

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