Sunday, April 23, 2006

Important Question

I have been strugling with a very important question : At what point are you too involved in Worldly things? I like electronics alot. I could play around on the internet all night long and not learn enough. I could do the same with Anime or Sci-Fi movies. I also can do the same with mechanical devices. Jump for joy, here is something else to take apart "fix" and put back together! I don't know why, but I am questioning if I am living a life that is too worldly. It would be nice if there was a step by step guide telling me exactly what I needed to do, but that does not exist. I went to church this morning and the Sunday School lesson was about a Biblical mind view. Basically, what I learned was that I need to see the Bible as a whole. I need to be looking not a a section, chapter, or a book, but as a large concpet that I need to be living my life by. I don't know if that makes any sense, but it does to me. That is all that counts right? Or I could refraise it so that I said that I need to know the Bible form cover to cover and apply what I know from it, but that would only be part of it. In order to apply it, you have to have Christ's help. I guess it all boils down to that I do not spend enough time in the Word or in prayer. IM me or leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Sunday, April 16, 2006


It seems that all I do here lately is work. I have nto had any more interesting plans or projects. This is not a good thing. I am assuming that it has something to do with lack of sleep or sothing along that nature. I have not been working on as many computers as I had previously, but I have been playing with a TiVo. I have found out that they are basically computers that are running a version of Linux. I reciently accuired one that has a bad hard drive in it. I have been spending alot of time trying to find a free hard drive image. If you are wondering what I am talking about, I am looking for a copy of someone else's hard drive. I have found several pay sites, but they are all down for Easter break. My uncle was nice enough to provide me with a 300 gig hard drive, but now I need the stuff to go on it. I thought with all these hackers and programers that there would be several images floating around. I was wrong. Well, I have to cut this post short, time to get ready for work. Later.