What should I say? They are creatures that are completely diffrent than us. I have yet to understand them. I know that I like being around them, but it seems that if you are not out to get a girlfriend, then they have almost nothing to do with you. I have yet to figure this out. Here is a good example. I will not say her name, but I dought anyone that will read this knows her. So, I get to talking to her, and from what I can tell, we are okay friends. This is during the wonderful freshmen activities that niether of us really wanted to participate in. For the first week of school we still talked, but as soon as she found out that I was not after a "girlfriend," she quickly disapeared and found someone that was(and she has yet to actually hold more than a 2 minut chat with me since). I guess she made a good choice, but that is none of my busness I guess. From what I have seen, most LETU girls are like that, they talk to everyone, but as soon as they can, they get a boyfriend and then disapear off the planet. They are no where to be found. This includes the ones that say that they don't want a boyfreind. That "type" finds a boy, claims that he is not their significant other, and latches on till someon notices. Then they back off for a short period of time, but soo latch back on for dear life. Yes I see it, like it or not this is the way that it is. Go ahead anmake it public, or atleast confess it to your self. Then there is another type of girl on campus that I have seen so far. This type latches on every thing that can be considered a boy then they walk all over him till the boy gets a brain and says no, or she finds one that she like more. So she then dumps him with rather unkind words (perferably in the form of a letter) and then finds the next unsuspecting boy. I am sorry if I left any types of girls on campus out. I have yet to find any others. I don't know if I am just not looking hard enough or if I am just not suposed to find anyone to chat with and get to know on campus. I don't know. Well, it has taken me entirely too long to write this and I have way too much hw to do. I am sorry if this offended you, but this is letu girls through my eyes. Hw is calling, until then, later.