Friday, April 22, 2005

The End is near

I can't wait. School is almost out. I get to change gears from nothing but school work to a job and goof off mode. It is going to be fun when I can finally say that it is the end of the semester. I will have to confesss, I have not been spending as much time on hw as I should. My hw grades are still okay, but I have been having fun going to chat rooms. I will have to warn you, there are tons of things called "bots" that do nothing but give you links to unpleasant web pages. There is hope though, if you block all of the names that they use, eventually they will not be able to send you messages. I have over 2000 blocked at the moment. I can't wait to get a job again. I might actually have *gasps* money in my pocket. It will be a nice thing. I can't wait. Well, I am off. It is a,most time for chapel. Later


Blogger Pebble said...

I hear you on the school thing. As much as I love the dorm, I'm ready for this train wreck of a semester to be over. I checked out the pics of your tracker.... looks pretty cool. I couldn't help but notice that I was manufactured in 1941. The last two digits would be the most important there....
Be seeing you.

April 25, 2005 3:03 AM  

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