Saturday, February 10, 2007

Power Plants

This is very, very stupid. I am not sure if the rest of ya'll know about this, but is is big news here in Waco. They are wanting to build a coal power plant or two near Waco and alot of the locals don't want one here. This is kind of interesting due to the fact that the Texas power grid is starting to get close on its ability to keep up with power demands. It is predicted that withing a year or two we will start to see alot of black and brown outs. There are 4 ways to keep this from happening. 1. Install alot of windmills. 2. Dam up a few rivers and install power plants on the dam. 3. Coal plants. 4. Nuclear plants. All of these projects would cost alot of money, but the coal plant would be the cheapest. They already have a project that is being considered concerning building a windmill farm off of the coast of Texas, but this is old news and I have not heard anything about it in a year or two. It probably fell through. Rivers. We have already damed up too many of them and what few there are left don't have any water in them right now due to a lack of rain that has lasted 4? years or so. Nuclear. We all know that everyone is too afraid of a nuclear plant. Personaly, I think that a nuclear plant would be the cheapest way out. As long as you properly care for the plant and you don't hire stupid incompitant people (Homer Simpson) it should do pretty good. Everyone that I have suggested going nuclear with claims that it is too dangerous because of examples like Chernoble. From what I have read, that was caused by the plant not being properly taken care of. So, we are left with coal plants. So they are dirty polute the air a little. There is nothing that you can do that would be cleaner that would generate that kind of electricity and have it up and running in less than a year(I am not sure how long that they are planning to take to build these plants but it could be done in less than a year if properly motivated). Well, now I have shared my thoughts that are probably not well planned out when put on paper, but that is what my take is on the subject. Later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

November 11, 2008 6:22 AM  

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