Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Random Thoughts

I have been day dreaming alot. I can not imagine why. I have been toying with all kinds of stuff. I had an interesting question come up today, Why did I come to LeTourneau? I have answered this question countless times with answers that were "correct". For instance, I have answered that I thought it was God's will for me to come here. I still believe that he wanted me to go here, but today when faced the question, all I could think of was because I wanted to be better than some of the others at my school. I know this is the wrong reason, but it has got me thinking about it. Another thought that keeps passing in front of me is the thought of switching majors. From what I understand (which I am finding out daily that I understand less and less), this semster is a light one. The main reason that I have considered changing majors is due to nights like this one that I am up till after 2:30 am and still need to do 2 subjects worth of homework, and I see guys and gals up all over the place that I never see doing homework that seem to pass and I see them out and about at all times of the day and night. Enough of the gripeing. I also had an interesting idea of making one of those flashlights that produce light when they are shalken up. So far, all I can think of is getting a flashlight and gutting it. then putting an piezo-electric switch at either end of the light and putting a weight in the center. Then finding a way to get the switches to charge a capacitor or small rechargable battery. The next part is the fun part, how do I regulate the amps going to the led. I need to put it together and do some tests and experiments to see how much of a charge I can build up in the supplies that I currently have. Well, I must run. I need to do calc, linear algebra, 2 physics problems, and some sleep before 9:20.


Blogger Ma Hoyt said...

The answer to your first question is very simple: you are there so you can post encouraging and helpful comments on OLB. (old lady blogs) Not at the expense of your homework, naturally.

Incidentally, I have several flashlights hanging around in various stages of uselessness, if that would be of any help to your quest.

September 17, 2004 9:03 AM  
Blogger mechcanoer said...

Don't worry about the flashlights, I have plenty of them that do not work anymore that I am too much of a pack rat to throw away.

September 20, 2004 12:54 PM  
Blogger mechcanoer said...

In physics week before last I found out that they maek 5 Farad capasitors that are the right voltage. Now all I need to do is buy one or 2 at 8 bucks a piece. :)

October 25, 2004 10:44 PM  

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