Monday, January 03, 2005

Cell Phones and other thoughts

Well, I amde the jump, I went down today and switched to Verizon. I got tired of nobody hearing that they did not know or that I could not do that, so I went to verizon. I was very satisfied with how I was treated (it helped that the guy behind the counter wanted to sell a phone today, not tomorrow or the next day, but today). He told me everything I wanted to know, plus some things that I had only heard rumors on. He was well informed. That was the main selling point for me. There were some added bonuses like the cell phone itself was cheap and that he said I had a 15 day grace period that I could return for a full refund if I was not happy. So far, I have been really happy. Then phone works at my house, and not only in te house, but in the tin covered barn too. Tommorrow I will have to take it up to the big testing site, Holly Lake Ranch. Holly Lake Ranch is where my dad does alot of his buisness and normally cell phones don't work there with out being ontop of a hill and plugged into an external car antenna. We will see.

Well, due to the fact that I was in town and waiting for trafic today, I was able to listen to about 2 hours of Rush Limbaugh's show. This is very good. As usual I am alawys suprised at how stupid people are. The main topic today was compairing the War in Iraq and the tsunami that hit the Cheerleaders of the 911 insident. (I know that I can not spell, but I am in a hurry to get off and got to bed.) Okay, the Democrats think that we should help the tsunami victims, but not the people being killed in Iraq and other mid eastern nations. Why is that? I also do not understand why we shoud be the people that are the main rebuilders and funders for the cheerleaders. Why can't the UN squeeze money out of France or one of the oil countries? They have better governments than we do or they would switch to capitalism too right? Unfortunatly I have to run. I would like to post more, but I am out of time. Later.


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