Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Sorry it has been a while since I posted. I have been all over and done all sorts of stuff. Of course I voted for Bush. Who in their right mind wouldn't? I have decided that I am going to hang on till the very end of all my classes this semsester and then I am going to see which class to drop. I am not doing particularly good in any of the classes this semester. I don't know what has happened the this semseter. I have worked my hardest, but it just seems like non of it has really sunk in enough to pass any quizzes, although I have done pretty well on the hw. I am not sure if I should blame my problems on my hyperactive brain, not enough effort, or just on the fact that I am not suposed to graduate as an Mechanical Engineer. On the list of more recient events, IT has decided that students don't need the internet and have randomly turned off numerous ports in student's rooms. Unfortunatly, mine was one of them. I have been trying to find out what it is going to take to get my connection turned back on, but have failed thus far. Luckly I have found a way to hack into the school's wireless network and am able to check email(the only form of communication that IT responds to, when they decide that they want to). This will be an interesting battle mainly because nobody down there actually knows what the other person is doing or why they are doing it. What am I suposed to do? I thought about breaking into the IT closet on my floor and exchanging a few wires, but there is a good possiblity that the wires that I am changing are turned off too. I found out that a friend of mine now has a boyfriend. Why did she not tell me? I don't know, it just baffels me. I knew something of the sort was probably it, but had to hear it 4th hand. Am I really the kind of person that nobay can confide in? I also found out about another friend from his mom that the reason that his cell phone does not work is because he did not pay the bill, but the reasons that he did not pay the bill had better not be discussed here. He could have asked me for a loan. I am sure he knew that. That is one thing that I try to make sure that I can do, I try to have enough rescourses to not only provide for myself, but make other's lives easier. I try my best to keep extra time and money for friends and others that are in need. Even if i don't have any extra, I give what I have any way. I always have. It makes my mom mad when she asks what happened to all my money, I have to tell her the truth. She has a diffrent mindset than I do. I could easily live on what she calls not enough. I see all these people around me, but since returning here, it has been harder and harder to do the above. I try to help when possible. I try to get things done early or late to make sure that I have time when everyone else does so that I can accomplish the above. Well, I need to run. It is time to do circuits. Later.


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