What has happened to the Church?
Well, I had a chance to watch a little tv today. I flipped through all 40 channels that we get in the lounge, and happened to come across cspan where they were covering the current happenings in Senate. See that there was nothig else on, I started to watch it. I watched a total of 10 min worth till I found out that they (Democrats) were trying once again to turn our government into a monarchy. What they wanted to do was to get a person "under" the president that the president appointed and this person would "report" to the president the happenings of the CIA, FBI, and alot of the other orginizations. I am not for this, espeseally after I thought that they might be gining him leadership over these. I do not like this idea of big government. Of course we as a nation have become to grow accustomed to such, but at one point in time, the Church was whom we relyed upon to get hings done, or maybe it was the leaders of the church. It was not that long ago that if you were sick, hurt, or juist in need, you expected a visit from someone form the church to come and check up on you. It was not that long ago the the churches were the ones whom started schools and lead our children to do great things. What has happened? Have we become so independen on the government that we do not need the church any more? Is church just a place to go and worship God and socialize on sunday mornings and then forget about for the rest of the week?
While watching the above debate, across the bottom of the screen, there was a posting about what was happening on the othere cspan channel. The other channel was covering the House of Representatives. I soon got very involved with this debate. You could tell without much effort what each person whom talked on this subject believed. I found out that the president is going to have a debate of the same subject this evening, I hope I do not miss it, but if I do, I will just read about it tomorrow. THe issue is Gay Marriage and should there be a Constitutional Amendment describing what marriage is. I am really upset at this debate. There were people argueing over all sorts of views. There were people that thought that yes, marriage is for man and wife, but there should not be any laws in the constitution, then there was the the gay people that did not want any constitution amendments of the sorts, then there were people arguing that if we do not put it in the constitution then we are going to loose the correct definition of marriage. Well, all these are viable arguments, but I do not think that any of them are the correct answer. In my opinion, the correcty answer is that there needs to be no man made laws about marriage because there is a perfectly good definition and a whole set of laws about marriage already in place. Just look in the Bible, God clearly defines marriage as the union between man and woman. What other explination do you need? He also clearly explains that being Gay or a Lesbian is completely wrong also. Well, now that I have clearly stated my views, please feel free to tell me your views, I have an email adress, instant messeger, and I have it set up so that you can leave comments. You have no excuse not to tell me. I probably left some stuff ut, but I have to go, hw is calling.